The Total Protect Guarantee

We are confident that our solution is a multi-layer protection plan to protect you from the majority of potential data breaches.

Offering a $25,000 guarantee!!!

Data breaches can be a scary experience regardless of the size of your company. Unlike other crimes, it can be difficult to assess the level of damage to your network. Data that is stolen may still be accessible but now you have an obligation to report the incident to the impacted parties. The impact can continue for months if it is not properly mitigated or monitored.

We want to ensure we are there for you when you need us the most.

With Total Protect we put the right protections in place to help prevent the data breaches. Going a step further, we also take the risk out of your hands and put it in ours. Ensuring we are there when you need us the most. Not only will we be quick to identify the issue with our breach detection methods and monitoring services, but we will also work immediately to mitigate the dangers. We are guaranteeing up to $25,000 to cover the cost related to a cyber incident to get you back to business as usual.